Bless womens Bible study


Bless Ladies Bible Study

FAQ and Instructions

Bless Ladies Bible study FAQ

Doing a Bless Ladies Bible study on your own

If you’re going through Bless on your own, the best place to start is by watching the teaching video for Week One. After that, you’ll be ready to jump into the study materials found in the workbook for that week. And although it’s not a necessity, we recommend that you begin each of the following weeks in the same manner. Many of the topics discussed in the teaching videos lay a foundation for ideas which you’ll uncover as you dig into the verses of Psalm 103, and watching the videos on the front end will be a helpful way to begin your week.

Watch the teaching video first at a convenient time during the beginning of your week. Then, throughout the week and as time allows, go through the workbook with Bible in hand!


As you finish the Bless Ladies Bible study, you’ll find an opportunity to engage in creative praise! At the end of Week 9, there is space in the workbook to write a personal selah: a thoughtful, creative expression of who God is and what He’s done, allowing you to pause and consider His great goodness on a deep level.
Even if you don’t consider yourself a writer, this moment is for you! It’s your personal journal of responses to the truths which you’ve learned throughout Bless, giving yourself space to process in whatever way you choose. Then, we’d be honored for you to share your selah with us at
We’d also love to see your beautiful face! Snap a picture of yourself with the Bless workbook and post it on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter (streamroots or @streamroots). Don’t forget to tag us at #blessbiblestudy so we can rejoice to see what God is doing in His girls around the world!
Lastly, please take a moment to share your Bless Ladies Bible study experience with those you love. Your testimony is powerful — it’s an open invitation for God to do in others the same mighty works which He’s accomplished in you. And you are our greatest advocate — so, if you’ve been blessed by your journey through Psalm 103, share the joy!

Leading a Bless Ladies Bible study for small groups

The vision for Bless came as a very specific package, and while I believe that entire package carries tremendous benefit, it may not be for everyone. That being said, let me state that at the very least, Bless was structured so that the focal point of the weekly gatherings would not be a teaching video but rather a sharing of hearts, a growing of genuine, I-really-know-you community.

This is best facilitated by women watching the short fifteen minute teaching videos on their own and at their convenience during the week. Be sure to reiterate to your group that the videos can be accessed digitally on their laptops, tablets or cell phones. I’ve heard reports of girls watching the sessions in such mundane places as the dentist’s office or school parking lot, and they’ve benefitted just as much as did those who watched in the quiet seclusion of their homes.

While abandoning the formula of “we’ve always done it this way!” may be a mite uncomfortable for some, I would urge you to pray and ask the Lord to use this unique format to break old paradigms of what Bible study is “meant” to be, allowing Him to breathe fresh vision and passion for Himself and one another into your small group time.

The format for a small group study is similar to a large group in many ways. However, because a small group typically lacks the resources available to a larger group, modifications will generally be needed.

One suggestion is, after your ladies watch the weekly videos on their own, in your gathering times, you can rotate the format (explained the Leader’s guide) from week to week: the first week you can engage in symposium, the next, in soaking, the third in prayer/prophetic ministry, and so on. You can wrap up your time each week with the discussion questions and worship (using a favorite worship mix on your phone is an easy way to accomplish this!).


As you finish the Bless study, you’ll find an opportunity for your group to engage their creative praise! At the end of Week 9, there is space in the workbook to write a personal selah: a thoughtful, creative expression of who God is and what He’s done, allowing each woman to pause and consider His great goodness on a deep level.
Encourage your ladies that, even if they don’t consider themselves writers, this moment is for them! It’s their personal journal of responses to the truths which they’ve learned throughout Bless Ladies Bible study, giving themselves space to process in whatever way they choose. Then, let them know we’d be honored for them to share their selahs with us at
We’d also love to see your beautiful face! Snap a picture of yourself and your group with the Bless workbook and post it on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter (streamroots or @streamroots). Don’t forget to tag us at #blessbiblestudy so we can rejoice to see what God is doing in His girls around the world!
Lastly, please take a moment to share your Bless experience with those you love. Your testimony is powerful — it’s an open invitation for God to do in others the same mighty works which He’s accomplished in you. And you are our greatest advocate — so, if you’ve been blessed by your journey through Psalm 103, share the joy!

Leading a Bless Ladies Bible study for large groups

Please see the page devoted to Leader Resources, which includes a detailed Leader’s Guide and other tools.

Accessing the teaching videos

The Bless teaching videos are viewable only at this website. Whether in a small group, a large group or doing Bless Ladies Bible study individually, every participant can access the teaching videos right here.

Please don’t share the videos with others and please don’t attempt to download the videos, as they are available only for streaming. Remember that digital piracy is illegal as well as dishonoring to the Lord. Thank you!

Ordering your Bless workbook

All orders are placed through Amazon and are processed through Amazon’s print-on-demand (POD) services. This means Amazon prints your workbook order after your payment is processed. Be advised that shipping times do not include the printing and handling of your order – just the shipping.

Amazon reports that, in most cases, your order will be ready to ship in 1-3 business days, but we cannot guarantee this, as it is a factor beyond our control; so we’re grateful for your understanding and patience. While you’re waiting, we recommend you go ahead and launch the study by watching the first teaching video.

Due to the limitations of Amazon’s POD services, we cannot control which countries are available for shipping, nor can we control the printing or shipping costs associated. The prices displayed on this site are based on US sales.

Bless Ladies Bible Study
Bless Ladies Bible Study
Bless Ladies Bible Study
Bless Ladies Bible Study
Bless Ladies Bible Study
Bless Ladies Bible Study
Bless Ladies Bible Study
Bless Ladies Bible Study
Bless Ladies Bible Study
Bless Ladies Bible Study