Bless Bible Study Reviews

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The Bless Bible study was a breath of fresh air for our church! Much more than just a weekly gathering, Bless transformed the way we think about corporate Bible study. Its approach is unique and relevant to women’s full schedules: the delightful online lecture can be accessed by a busy nursing mom at 3 a.m. or by a working woman during her lunch break. And instead of daily homework, the written study is designed to be savored as the Lord leads throughout the week. Each Biblical truth drew us deeper into an understanding of who we are created to be in a way that has profoundly impacted us. Friendships were made, relationships deepened and best of all, every woman involved in our Bless study is now joyfully rooted in life-changing truth! Bless was truly a selah (peaceful rest) for our souls. Is it too soon to petition for Bless 2?
Bless has been unlike any Bible study I’ve ever done! The videos compliment the workbook so beautifully too. I could go over each week’s lesson again and again and still get something new. It’s the type where you want to highlight every line! I highly recommend it!
Deeper Intimacy
Bless has left my soul feeling watered and exploding with praise for my heavenly Father. It’s pulled me into deeper intimacy, each day yearning for more of Christ. I feel strengthened and refreshed by the truth and encouraged by Tiffany’s words. I’m so thankful that I started this Bible study!
Getting filled up!
Bless is not about checking off my ‘devo time’ box, but about connecting. Not about pouring out, but being filled up. Bless Bible study has changed the way I connect with God in this new, crazy season. It’s reminded me that God isn’t performance oriented — He just wants to know me, and all I have to offer him is the blessing of my heart!
Thank you!
Week two was amazing for me… “Deep calls unto deep.” It stirred in me great reflection and reminded me of truth, and new ways to look at old truths. Thanks Tiffany!
My favorite!
Bless is my favorite Bible study to date! Throughout the nine weeks, I was reminded that the Father calls out what is unseen in our lives and declares our new identities in Jesus. I was also encouraged to speak words of blessing over others in a fresh way, just like the Lord does over me.
Praise pours out!
Bless is one of my all-time favorite Bible studies! Like most people, there are times when I can’t see or hear what God is doing in my life. But Bless has reminded me that I can always go back and remember how He has shown up for me in AMAZING ways. By remembering God’s faithfulness, my faith is strengthened, my soul is buoyed, and praise pours out!
A study unlike any other
There was nothing traditional about this Bible study. I loved that about this study. It didn’t feel like “homework.”
Truly Blessed!
This study was transformational! I walked in the first Monday night and after watching the first video, my heart was open to receive God’s love and healing. I have walked through a lot of pain and, through this Bible study, I am walking with God in more intimacy and surrender!
Calibrating to God's Rhythm
The first week of Bless I knew I was in for a treat, it was different than any other structured Women’s Bible Study I had been to. I love that you watch the videos on your own time and it allows you to dig deep in the quietness of you own time and place. Each week after each section God Challenged me to look at him differently and to be able to then sway to his tune and hear his voice more clearly. I was able to shed assumed ideas of who the Father was to me and see with fresh eyes what HE truly is. This study was very easy to follow and led with a comfort to shed insecurities and fully embrace the Love of Blessing HIM.
Being Blessed by "Bless"
The study has been perfect for me in the season I am currently in. This season of my life is the hardest I have ever experienced. The Lord is transforming me at an accelerated speed. This Bible study has helped me go with the truth of my Lord and to surrender, trust, be obedient and “press in” to this fire I am experiencing. My Lord is with me and knows every problem and sees every tear.
Transforming Experience!!!
With most Bible studies you “get what you put into it;” but Bless manages to POUR the truth and wisdom of scripture into the participant via the incredible depth and expository teaching of Tiffany N. Combined with her transparency and heart for the sisterhood of believers, this is a revelatory 9 week experience!
Blessed by Bless!
This bible study has been so sweet and amazing and I am so thankful to you for your hard work creating it. It has blessed me (no pun intended 😉 ) on so many levels. Thank you!
Let the Spirit In
The Holy Spirit used this Bible study to completely undo and reset me. Seeing life through His lens radically transforms all situations. Bless helped me grow and learn about Him in such a restful and life-giving way. I now have a fuller understanding of who God is and how He sees me as His precious daughter. Tiffany does an amazing job of showing us how to open our souls, choose to bless, and let the Spirit in.
The teaching in the videos is excellent! The length of the videos is perfect. The book was easy to follow and the scriptures were well chosen. I really enjoyed reading the selahs.
Thoughtfully reflective
This Bible study and it’s format (video, workbook, small group interaction) was thought and heart provoking as well as friendship providing. It allowed for creative and thoughtful reflection. I give it a 10! Uniquely creative.
What a Blessing!
This whole experience has been so anointed and has drawn me closer to the Lord and more aware of my need to go deeper into my relationship with Him.
Really Special!
After reading the beautiful way Tiffany writes in her blog, I knew this Bible study was going to be really special. But what I didn’t realize was how anointed it would be. What I mean by anointed is that it literally has the breath and fingerprints of God on it.
A couple of times when I sat down to open up my Bless book, the presence of God came over me so strong and immediately tears rolled down my cheeks.
On a practical level, I love that this was not a fill in the blank study. I do not have a lot of time and Bless brought me deep into the word and I encountered His presence without a lot of pencil work.
What a gift – Thank you!!
My Soul has Learned How To Sing to Jesus
I’ve had the blessing of being a group (7 women of varying ages) facilitator and this Bible study has been the richest of all that I have experienced. In drawing closer to our Lord Jesus through putting on His benefits and steadfast love like a garment of blessing we have experienced breakthroughs in knowing and accepting His compassion and love for us. And we have further been led into a intimacy within the group as we walk this journey. He has so blessed us as we have learned to bless Him more fully.
Selah... pause and consider
What a great exercise in connecting with the God of the universe and getting to know His heart. The structure of the study, to pause and consider, is unlike any study I have done before. The depth of insight I have gained by studying the words and phrases of this Psalm have served to give me a deeper understanding of God. What a blessing to my soul!
Fresh look at praise!
I’m deeply touched in looking at intimacy with God and how the atmosphere changes when we break into praise! Wow! So many benefits to this style of study including the ability to watch (and rewatch) the video at your own chosen time & place. This study is incredible!
A True work of Art!
Tiffany Nesbitt brings to us a God-inspired Bible study like never before. This study served as a way to grow deeper in the knowledge of our Lord and learn about His amazing love and compassion for us all. Tiffany’s unique style of articulated words and personal testimony engages us to reflect on our own journey with God. She brilliantly writes about the journey of Psalm 103 and encourages us to press into God more. True to Tiffany’s style, her videos are works or art. Her impressive dialogue really held my attention and kept me focused. It was overall captivating, informative and original.
Knowing My Identity
The Bless Bible Study has helped me press into who I am in Christ. As I have sought the Lord, He has started destroying lies that I believed about myself and old fears that have plagued me. God is gently taking my hand and leading me to my true identity and to my calling that He has prepared just for me.
Bless Bible study was created by Tiffany Nesbitt, international speaker and co-founder of NewSong, a collective of micro-churches in the USA, CANOPI (formerly CRSSM), a missional network based in Costa Rica, and The Prophetic Collective, a mentoring platform where women are trained up in their spiritual gifts. Take a look at the reviews and get started with Bless in your church, small groups or on your own!